
I had ended up in this part of town because the restaurant I wished to go to was closed for dining, they only had take-away. And the second choice was closed as well, but the third one was open for business. Success! It was a cold day, but after lunch I did take a brief stroll, looking in the many closed shop windows, and admiring the signs as I walked along.

This looks to be an electric meter, and I presume that the stickers are advertising local bands, but really, I have no idea what it all means.

I found this one to be rather specific (and I suspect that it is against “vapers”: persons using electronic cigarettes). My handy dictionary defines vapor as moisture in the air; especially visible floating moisture, as light mist. Also smoke and fumes. It would be a powerful sign that could deter the forces of nature.

I’m sure that this sign will stop something: it’s from the police.

But of course this was the best sign. And as signs are meant to be obeyed, I immediately complied.

One thought on “Signs”

  1. “Vapors not allowed.” I thought of Victorian ladies and smelling salts.

    Agree absolutely with the chocolate sign.

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