
As my house is near a park/open space, there are a lot of deer that wander through the neighborhood enjoying the landscaping and hanging out.   I have named a number of them, although I am not sure if they recognize their names.  🙂   Some I see only occasionally, and others I see more frequently.   And these ones are my favorites, although I do love them all.

This is Rosa, who is the friendliest of the bunch.  She came right up to me the other day when I was out fetching the newspaper.   She just seems to like people.  She had a reddish ear, so I decided her name must be Rosa.

This is Tamara, and she is quite easily spotted.   She stopped by without her youngster for once (he must have been off learning how to be a stag).   She has been coming by for the past three years at least.   I’m not sure how she injured her leg, my veterinarian friend though that she might have been struck by a car.   Her full name is Tamara the lame, but she still gets around and enjoys a full life.

This stag is the newest deer to be hanging around the house.  From the shape of his antlers, I have decided that he must be Albert’s grandson (Albert used to sleep under the deck some years ago).   He had obviously been fighting and lost an antler.  He also has an injury to his right hock.  I called the Department of Wildlife to see if they could patch him up, but they only euthanize injured animals (not an option).   However, they did say that he could survive with only three legs, and that there are a number of three legged deer wandering about town.  So I do make sure that he has plenty of water, and I am hoping that he makes a recovery as he seems to be rather nice for a stag.

My friend’s great-grandson stopped by one day and was excited to  see the “cows”, so now he expects to see them every time.  But they are on their own schedule, and I feel fortunate when I get a glimpse of them.

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